Sunday, November 2, 2014

Moved to Wordpress

Due to the continued problems with Blogger, I haves moved over to Wordpress at Please go there for any future updates.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blog On Hiatus

Due to some unidentified problems with blogger, I am putting this blog on indefinite hiatus. Sorry for any inconvenience, though I'm not sure as to what capacity this would ever be considered an inconvenience. Have a nice day!

Friday, October 10, 2014

OSMSSR: Episode 129 - Super Transformations Again! Pegasus' Power

Goodbye to Kaito Kumon, Yoko Minato, Ryouma Sengoku, Lock Dealer Sid, and everyone else who died brutally in Kamen Rider Gaim. May you all rest in peace in tokusatsu heaven.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Opinionated Sailor Moon Super S Retrospective: An Introduction

No, the name totally wasn't taken from SF Debris! Whatever gave you that idea?

I love Sailor Moon more than life itself. Well, not really; if I had to choose between living another day, and never getting to watch/ read anything SM-related ever again, I probably would choose the former, though how wide the margin is is uncertain. Of course, being a fairly big and massively popular franchise, there were moments that many fans would like to forget, or at the very least accept somewhat grudgingly.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Kamen Rider Taisen Part 3: When You Wish Upon a Doomsday Machine

Last time: A boy acted like a jerk to his mother. His father acted like a jerk to his son. The writers acted like jerks to pretty much everybody. And there were explosions. Lots and lots of explosions. Moving on.
Shu's really starting to regret joining Willy Wonka in the glass elevator.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Kamen Rider Taisen Part 2: A Soap Opera with Some Riders in It

I'd really like to announce "Now updated every Friday!" but that would imply actual commitment, and I could never do that. But what's a little white lie, anyway?

Now updated every Friday!

Last time: Some stuff happened to Kouta, a wild Takeshi Hongo appeared, there's a kid who can turn things inside out, potentially being able to kill people in ways too gruesome for Toei to consider acknowledging it, and there are scenes between Takumi Inui and Keisuke Jin that are Oscar-worthy. During all of this, strawberries are eaten and no worlds are destroyed. And now, the continuation.
It's Kamen Rider, where girls don't talk about serious things.