Saturday, July 12, 2014

Obligatory Introductory Post

Hello, all.

So I started this blog, largely because I have spent far too long on the internet dealing with poorly written and unfunny reviews of stuff, and I thought to myself, "Hey, that could be me, too!" So now, naturally, here I am, writing half-assed and lazy blog posts about whatever happens to cross mind, most of it relating to random shit about pop culture, and virtually none of it to anything worthwhile. 

I am still not entirely sure of what I am going to be ranting on about, but it will definitely be very recapful, hence the title.

So anyway, a little about myself. I am a college student with embarrassing amounts of free time, and a tendency to talk about monsters and the rainbow colored freaks who fight them. I am the defender of all things Studio Ghibli and the destroyer of all things Seth MacFarlane and Chuck Lorre. 

Expect a lot of misinformation, infrequent updates, bias and narrow-mindedness, coming soon, to probably no one's computer screens.

Good-bye, all.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's one more comment than I expected. Thanks again, John!
